The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.
— Marcus Aurelius

At Willow Grove Counseling, we believe that you are the expert on your life story!
Choosing to start therapy is your making a possibly scary statement: sometimes we all need to talk - and not all topics are ideal for family or friends.
Coming to Willow Grove is the first step in seeking change, on your terms. You will meet with a licensed clinical social worker, and every part of the counseling process is determined by you!
Your counselor will work with you in a warm, comfortable setting, and you set the pace for how aggressively you want to you on the issues you bring to the counseling experience.
You and your therapist will work together, as a team, focusing on strategies to enhance your quality of life. The topic of discussion is focused on what is impacting your daily living, and what would better look like and feel like.
So come in, sit down, and start a conversation.